The thought that humans are born with a natural drive, an inherent way of life is quite interesting, but not farfetched. For all humans have aspirations whether small or large. These aspirations are natural, to want to learn, to want to win, to want everything that life can give is only natural. This is why depression causes this paradox of life itself. To believe that depression is only a natural feeling would completely contradict the facts of inherent drive. Depression causes a loss of motivation, feeling, and connection with reality. To just lie there and venture into your mind as black and lonely as space. The feeling of aloneness differs from being alone is why depression is so dangerous. You can have friends, have a relationship, and be genuinely happy, but the disconnect of intimacy is what depletes the mind of emotion. This depletion only causes the loop of depression. To feel something only at given times and the constant exaggeration of emotions being portrayed at these times due to the disconnect at all other times. But if depression is a loop whether you notice it or not, this shows that your mind and body have an inherent drive to happiness. So let it be. Why constantly stress about things that you have no control over? Better yet why put yourself in these situations anyway? You have a purpose and that purpose should not be wasted on a 9-5 at McDonalds. It should be spent with the people you love. Live your life because it’s yours to live.
The Will of Power: An Inherent Way To Live