Music is a part of everyone’s life, as music is played in grocery stores, malls, banks, elevators, and even during important phone calls. But number one, it can be played from your phone and into your ears with just one simple device, headphones. When you are in class, or a car, or even on an airplane I bet you feel great with your headphones or airpods in and playing your favorite song. Well, that is because music has many benefits and positive effects on your mind and body when you play it. These positive effects can be, reduced stress, improved motivation, improved memory, improved sleep, enhanced mood, improved cognition, increased happiness or dopamine levels, and even eased pain. There are even more effects that music can help with but these are just a few.
Not only can listening to music help, but making music is also just as helpful. Next time a parent or friend decides to say you listen to music too much, let them know these interesting facts.