The Conrad Esports team, which consists of players Aiden Lucas, Mathew Wiles, Belton Zhang, Johnny Yoo, Taylor McClash, and Alex Lee, took home two big wins in their League of Legends Match last week. Adian Lucas, who played as Pantheon the first match and Darius the second match, took MVP honors in both games. In their first match all players did well during their respective landing phase. Aiden Lucas became extremely powerful, allowing him to solo-fight many opposing teammates and take down the enemy´s ADC in 3 seconds. Aiden was eventually taken down, but the rest of the team pushed into the enemy base and finished the match. The second match was a landslide victory as the boys had 20 knockdowns compared to the opponent´s 1 and ended the match in only 17 minutes. The squad is now placed amongst tuff competition in the leaderboard and is looking forward to their next opponent.