Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who discovered analytic psychology, believed that all experiences in life held value rather than others during that time following theories that only major events affect your inner being. Though these outward events held effects, Jung became more interested in the inner, the whole of being. Jung states that all around you came from your mind due to all created just starting as a thought within. To think that your imagination is just silly fantasies would be of comedy to Jung for he found that what we see and what we imagine are just as real as what lies right in front of our eyes. He attempted to prove this not just theoretically, but through means of manifestation. Being a psychiatrist he somewhat tested these theories on patients. One is above all others. A story about a beetle that appeared in a dream of his own but was exemplified by his patient. To prove his psychosis he became patient, allowing all events to occupy his consciousness. An ancient beetle flying into the room was the only way of proof for this stubborn patient. Though in this dream I just mentioned he saw this beetle fly to the window of their room during a routine check-up. Their next appointment, there a beetle lays after it has entered the room right in front of their eyes. This story is completely insane and could just have been a coincidence though Jung did not believe that. He believes that all happens for a reason and that all can be influenced for within is no different from out and that is why he has been considered one of the greatest minds of our time.
Carl Jung