Lieutenant Governor Bethany Hall Long gave fraud examiners red flags after the Delaware Department of Elections uncovered violations in her campaign finance reporting. Overall, 112 checks were found that Dana Long (Bethnay’s husband) wrote to himself and one written for his wife totaled just under $300,000. Out of those 112 checks only 4 were reported but were reported they had been written to another person. 109 of the 112 were not reported in the campaign’s initial financial reports.
Our Possible Next Governor Bethany Hall-Long Money Scandal

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About the Contributor

Allyssa Mohr, HS Reporter
Hi! I’m Allyssa Mohr. I'm a sophomore here at Conrad Schools of Science and I’ve been going here for 2 years. I love playing softball. I have been playing for 4 years, my dream is to play D1 college softball at the University of Alabama. I love going outdoors. Fishing and hunting have been my favorite things to do outdoors ever since I was little. I spend most of my time at practice or with family and friends.