Welcome, Mr. Brucker, the new Conrad social studies teacher. He is the new teacher in room
317 who has got his undergraduate (bachelor) degree at Pynn State and his master’s at
Widener University in Social Studies. He got into teaching because he always had a passion for
history and always wanted to make a positive impact on the youth and he embeds character
building into his teaching so that when the kids leave his class they evolve and have a good
time. His first teaching job was at his old high school Pennridge High school. He came to Conrad
because of geography itself. It is closer than his last job and a fun fact his fiance graduated from
here. He said his favorite thing about teaching the youth of this nation is seeing them
understand and learn something and he loves to see when kids just get it and understand. He
loves to see them leave his class after having fun learning and understanding geography and
Social Studies. Everyone, welcome Mr. Brucker and show him the Conrad Way!