Delaware plans to follow California in their plan to ban gas-fueled cars by 2035. Governor John Carney announced the state’s plans to adopt the standards last year in an effort to increase electric vehicle availability and purchases. If fully implemented, 35% of a new automobile dealership’s stock would have to be electric by 2025. Beginning in 2035, no new gas or diesel-powered vehicles weighing 14,000 pounds or less could be sold within the State. Some State lawmakers, such as Senate Minority Whip Brian Pettyjohn, have raised strong concerns over the proposal. “The technology, the market, even the consumer demand is not there for it,” Sen. Pettyjohn stated. “We’re not California.” Under the current proposal, the standards would not only apply to passenger vehicles but any vehicles under the threshold of 14,000 lbs, which would include larger trucks that a lot of businesses utilize for operations. The proposal is far from set in stone at this point. News stations are awaiting a response from the government about this issue.
Concerns over banning gas-fueled cars in Delaware by 2035