In Bio-med 1 students learn how to take vital signs as well as learning how to draw blood like a phlebotomist. In this class you will learn how to talk to a patient named Charlie Nowak, she came in for a headache and trying to figure out her diagnosis. We all learned to take different physical exams such as eye, ear, blood, and vital exams. There are still many things to find out about Charlie Nowak and her diagnosis
Bio-med students learning to draw blood
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About the Contributor

Doris Cirilo-Garcia, HS Reporter
Hello, my name is Doris. I'm a Sophomore at Conrad School of Science. I’ve been here at Conrad for five years. I speak both English and Spanish. What I like to do in my spare time is read or nails. Another thing I love doing is joking around with my boyfriend and spending time with him and family. My dream is to go to UCLA to major in business and after that, I'm going to be a real estate agent